Tweet Of The Day: Print Publishing Is Sinking

Update, September 20, 2011: It turns out these figures are only for the UK. @sarahw actually bothered to ask, which I didn’t.!/jonnygeller/status/113906905251979264

I get more hits at this blog in one day just from legacy searches — meaning, old, not new, posts — than the number 50 “bestseller” sells in a week!

And I get a multiple of hits in a week at this blog than what the top hardback sells in a week!

So when publishing says they’re not interested in blogs like this one writing about books, you can see their suicidal attitude right there.


Filed under Books: General, Digital Overthrow

2 responses to “Tweet Of The Day: Print Publishing Is Sinking

  1. Randolph Eustace-Walden

    I love the line, ‘…the phrase “bestseller” needs to be redefined…’

    In the past month I’ve seen advertisements for two books, neither of which is being released until October. In both cases, the words ‘International Bestseller’ was emblazoned on the cover. Did I mention they haven’t been released yet?! Full point for publisher chutzpah, but really……..

  2. Mike, I have blogged a follow-on from this:

    I wonder how many paid-for ebooks Amazon etc. are shifting every hour. Tens of thousands would be my guess.

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