You Need This: GrabMyBooks

Liz Castro — who is an ePub expert — tweeted about something she was looking at called GrabMyBooks.

I went to the site and then downloaded the Firefox extension.

This thing kicks ass!

I’ve been using one of the oldest things around for converting the Internet to ePub files, dotEPUB, which I’ve praised and posted about before. The great thing about dotEPUB is that it will work with a lot of browsers, including Opera and even iOS’s Mobile Safari.

GrabMyBooks is like dotEPUB on steroids.

It will allow you to easily combine multiple — even unrelated! — web pages into one ePub.

It’s bloody glorious!

This morning I was laboriously converting — web page by web page — a 13-chapter free web-based book by J. Neil Schulman.

At one point, dotEPUB crapped out on me and wouldn’t work.

But even had it gone smoothly, I would have wound up with fourteen separate ePub files (Preface + thirteen chapters).

GrabMyBooks did all that into one ePub file.

And before I even saved it as an ePub, I was able to edit the text, getting rid of extraneous matter at the top and bottom of each page.

I also beat the hell out of the software, manually getting rid of all the line breaks here (scroll down for excerpt). It didn’t crash, it didn’t complain, it didn’t bog down.

The only two things that irk me (right now):

1) Em-dashes are sometimes en-dashes

2) I’m not getting italics in the text

But as it is, I recommend you get this!

I hope they will do a version for Opera.


Filed under Book Creation

3 responses to “You Need This: GrabMyBooks

  1. Pingback: GrabMyBooks is the New & Best way to Copy Webpages to your E-reader - The Digital Reader

  2. I checked this out…I will figure out how it works later (the you-tube video doesn’t have a soundtrack) and THEN I will get the Schulman book. He’s pretty cool…I met him at the Heinlein Centennial. I’d describe him as pompous, but that describes nearly every man I meet…so. His book looks interesting, none-the-less.

  3. Bob


    This was useful

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