Daily Archives: March 19, 2012

Microsoft’s Vision Brought To Us By Apple

I keep having to trot out this video. It seems people tend to forget the excitement it caused and that once upon a time — 2006 — Microsoft understood there would be a post-PC era.

Go look at this and tell me that it isn’t just about an extended iPad promo!

That’s computing as an appliance — what the iPad has given us.

Microsoft had the vision. But in typical Microsoft complexification fashion, they blew it.

And really, that guy taking a photo with a cellphone? How last century! He’d just pick up his new iPad (3) and snap!


Filed under Apple: The Company, Marketing, Video

Alien Chicks In Citrus Bras

Sometimes you come across a book title that is so WTF, you have to get it:

I got that yesterday from the Kindle Store. It was free then. Today, it’s ninety-nine cents.

But I’m doing this post because of a random bit I stumbled across while checking out the formatting.

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Filed under Books To Check