Daily Archives: June 26, 2012

This is an interesting post that gives me an opportunity to test the WordPress reblog feature too.

Tape Noise Diary

Some time in 1995 I started playing guitar. It was a friend from high school who turned me on to it. I saw him playing on an acoustic guitar the chord progression of a Green Day song and I was completely blown away. He taught me some chords and standard first-learner stuff like the arpeggio to Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters and Zepellin’s Stairway to Heaven. I practiced a lot and banged away on an old Mexican acoustic until my fingers bled. I bought and learned from books. I learned some more chords and learned scales. I bought rock albums and learned guitar riffs by listening to them. I went to the Mall to buy the Guitar World magazine every time I could. I worked at a water bottling manufacturing plant to save up for an electric guitar and an amp. The idea of starting a band soon followed. I…

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