Behind The Scenes Peek At Onda V989 Packing

We tend to forget that human beings are behind all the tech that we buy.

After the break, some of the people at work at Onda.

Transmitted via Weibo, a photo of the Onda staff packing the beta test models of the V989 tablet:


They had to pack and ship one thousand of those.

And before those, they had to pack and ship out all the V819w tablets for exchange in the Windows upgrade swap of the V819i.

As someone who used to do a printed newsletter back in the day and was a one-man shop who had to fold it, stuff it in envelopes, and mail it out, I appreciate the effort they had to make!

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One response to “Behind The Scenes Peek At Onda V989 Packing

  1. Robert

    After I finish work today I’ll appreciate it even more.
    fight on!

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