Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: November 1921

Napoleon Hill is the author of the always-in-print classic, Think and Grow Rich.

I’ve found writings of his in the public domain at Google Books. I’m not an expert in his work, but I have to think this material is rare and possibly hasn’t been seen since it was first published.

This is the seventh and final post of this series with his rare writing.

This one is an appearance that might mark a turning point of sorts. It’s a trade magazine for the leather industry. Hill doesn’t appear in the Table of Contents and his work is basically a short filler — but this time the byline is for his magazine. That makes me wonder if some of his material was being syndicated.


There can be no great achievement without a corresponding sacrifice. Christ gave his life that his philosophy might be planted in the human heart forever.

Think of one person, if you can, who has risen to fame or rendered the world a lasting service without sacrifice. Usually the value of the service rendered is in proportion to the sacrifice out of which it sprung.

Nature does not appear to favor the perpetuation of ideas or ideals which are not born of sacrifices and nurtured amid hardship and struggle. From the lowest mineral substance to the highest form of animal organism Nature gives evidence aplenty of her favoritism for that which is born of hardship, resistance and struggle.

The hardiest and finest trees of the forest are those which grew slowly and overcame the greatest resistance. No hothouse vegetable can equal those that are grown in the open, in opposition to the elements of the weather.

In a practical, material world of business, finance and industry we see evidence on every hand of the soundness of this philosophy. Successes that are achieved overnight seldom endure. The greatest achievements in business are those which began at the very bottom, were based upon sound fundamentals and experienced seemingly impossible sacrifice. Before we envy Henry Ford his success we should meditate upon the struggles and hardships which he survived before he created the first Ford automobile. All of us would enjoy his great wealth but few of us would be willing to pay for it in sacrifice, as he has done.

If you are taking your baptism of fire and paying the price of sacrifice with faith in your handiwork, no matter what station in life you are striving to achieve you are apt to realize it if you carry on without losing faith, without turning back, without losing confidence in yourself and in the fundamental principle which insures achievement that corresponds to the nature and extent of your sacrifice. –Napoleon Hill’s Magazine

For those who want to see the source page:

Previously here:

Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: January 1917
Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: February 1918
Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: June-July 1918
Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: August-September 1915
Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: January 1920
Rare Napoleon Hill Writings: January 1921

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