The Apple 30% Vig Loophole Appears

Service launched for publishers to evade Apple cut

Can Publishers Really Avoid Apple’s Subscription Fee Through Yudu?

I was waiting for this to happen.

So now what I expect to also happen is this:

The apps for Kindle, Kobo, Borders, and Nook — to name just those majors — will be turned into read-only apps.

To buy eBooks, you go to mobile Safari browser and use the website of each one to order (better make each a bookmark!).

After purchase, specify to send the eBooks to your iPad.


You’ve bought the book, there is no Apple as middleman, and done.

We still have to wait to see if this is how it will all play out.

I don’t know if Apple is opening itself up to Restraint of Trade with this, allowing only its own iBooks to have built-in transaction capabilities. Someone will have to file a complaint with the government (because I doubt the FTC will open its yap without such provocation).

But if I had to place a bet with real money, I would expect Amazon, et al, to just STFU and go with that method. Each one would look at it from the perspective of serving existing customers and not expect the paltry iBookstore to do them much damage with its storefront edge.

Personally, I am still waiting to see if this will let me buy an iPad.

Update: See YUDU Claims to Dodge the iPad Subscription Tax (But Doesn’t), which looks to put everything back the way it was.

Update 2: The Yudu loophole won’t save anyone. Given how capricious Apple has been in the past, I shouldn’t count on getting an iPad any time soon.

Previously here:

How To Win: The User Doesn’t Care
Three Lessons Steve Jobs Has Forgotten
Apple’s Next Greedy Move: Exclusivity
Apple Is Now Dead To Me
iOS Developers: You’re Next In Apple’s Sights
Apple’s Content-Creator Recruiting Poster
What Apple Looks Like Today
Apple’s Greed Will Keep This Going
All Devices Should Access Everything. Period.
The Day Apple Became Nathan Myhrvold


Filed under Amazon Kindle, Apple: The Company, Barnes & Noble Nook, eBooks: General, Friction, iOS, Kobo Reader, Sony Reader

8 responses to “The Apple 30% Vig Loophole Appears

  1. That is unnecessarily complicated.

    With each passing day I hate Apple more.

    • mikecane

      It’s no more complicated than me having to use my desktop browser and telling Amazon to send a Sample to K4PC, also on my desktop. Sony’s Library does in-app, which makes it like desktop iTunes. You want to talk complicated, look at the Sony Library program! Ha!

    • AdamC

      It is only natural that the unsuccessful ones will hate the one who is successful.

      Envy is another thing felt by the same.

  2. Ravi

    Don’t forget that Apple’s rules also forbid read-only apps that access premium content sold by the creator of the app. There isn’t a loophole for Kindle and the rest. Apple has to decide to permit them or not (and they do have to decide – the status quo of Kindle, B&N and Kobo allowed, but Sony disallowed isn’t stable).

  3. Shock Me

    I still don’t see how Amazon Kindle Books would be considered a subscription. But I suspect given Apple’s support for HTML5 as an alternative environment, this might be best for all concerned if it is Apple’s intent to extend this from periodicals to individual e-books.

    I really don’t see the need to drive off iBook competitors if the goal is sell hardware. But, then again Apple has done dumber things before to limit their marketshare.

  4. Pingback: Ebook apps not leaving iTunes after all | The Digital Reader

  5. Pingback: Ebooks : une 2ème victime des nouvelles conditions Apple | L'actu des ebooks

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